When composing an email in the email designer the line height is not being honored as expected in Outlook
The line-height CSS rule is treated by outlook as a minimum instead of an exact parameter.
This is an Outlook bug, but can be worked around by adding mso-line-height-rule: exactly; as a CSS rule will make outlook actually look at your code for line height as an exact parameter.
Quote: "mso-line-height-rule
Many email developers will be familiar with this one. By default, Outlook will treat your line-height value as a minimum, and often increase it to its liking. To disable this behavior, add mso-line-height-rule: exactly; and Outlook will start to treat your line-height value as an exact value instead.
If you want this behavior for most of your email, you can simply apply mso-line-height-rule: exactly; at the <body> level, instead of repeating it throughout the email code. One drawback is that this property can make Outlook crop images by the line height. If a 200px tall image is placed in element with aline-height is 20px, and mso-line-height-rule: exactly; is in effect, Outlook will only show the bottom 20px of the image.
The solution is to revert mso-line-height-rule back to the default value at-least on any elements where it’s causing an issue."