Unknown Character Appearing in Email Design linked to Line Break Element U+00a0 in Between Paragraphs
Mint Helicopter
When the return/enter is used to create space between multiple sections/paragraphs in the text boxes, if the HTML encoding is converted from UTF-8 to ASCI, the HTML paragraph tags can be seen to be “<p style=\"font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%;\"> </p>”, and the character “” appears in the HTML as well as the rendered design.
Tim Ferguson
We've been troubleshooting these issues too:
"Getting question marks with black diamonds showing when starting a new paragraph and leave a space after a full stop. Seems like they are only placed in where there is a space between paragraphs (pressing enter inbetween) and also if there are 2 spaces after a period (.) at the end of a sentence"
"The charset in the EML files we analysed was not UTF-8 as we would’ve expected. We found that Sendgrid is determining the charset based on the contents of the email being sent. We ran a small PoC, which forced UTF-8 through the addition of a hidden emoji in the email content, directly through the Unlayer UI (<!-- 👍 -->). The PoC confirmed the unexpected extra characters were gone."
The latter is not a suitable or sustainable workaround for end users.